

How to achieve intelligent invoice verification in SAP

15 Apr, 2024


An intelligent eInvoice management process is the key to saving time and money in your day-to-day tasks.

But is it possible to find a tool to streamline your procedures without compromising your existing ERP rules and wasting even more time and money on integrating a new system?


What complicates SAP implementations?

The SAP ERP was created, among other things, as a solution to centralize financial accounting systems in large companies.

However, for it to be fully effective, it requires a comprehensive restructuring of company processes and procedures and a substantial number of corresponding change management strategies for all a company’s business processes, as well as for corporate accounting.

Inevitably, companies must involve third parties to facilitate or enable other software integrations with SAP and to handle the consequent system and software maintenance.

All of this makes the ERP upgrade process much longer, more complex and painful, and more costly than is ever originally anticipated.


What is necessary for intelligent verification?

To efficiently automate your eInvoice approval process you need to:

  • Harness artificial intelligence: identify anomalies, duplicates, discrepancies, and exceptions automatically.
  • Match and code: conduct 2-way and 3-way eInvoice verification and cost code your documents for SAP.
  • Assign invoices: allocate eInvoices to the designated managers to check and approve.
  • Easily approve or reject invoices: decide whether to approve an eInvoice or open a dispute ー and do it with just one click.
  • Comply with regulations: adhere to the constantly mutating obligations imposed by the reference regulatory system(s).
  • Manage accounting flows: follow organizational, master data, corporate accounting and auditing rules.


Move to smarter AP verification

Comply’s advanced verification feature utilizes a customizable workflow powered by Machine Learning.

It automates the validation process by cross-referencing invoices with purchase orders and/or delivery documents, processing travel expenses, reconciling receipts, and verifying time sheets.

Using Comply, you can eradicate laborious and time-consuming manual data entry with all its related human errors.

As a result, Comply accelerates the processing and validation of month- and year-end accounts.

Freed of all this manual effort related to data entry, validation, archiving, and chasing of authorizations, your team can focus on other work tasks that add more value.

Leverage the modernity of Comply’s digital platform to achieve worry-free compliance with changing global reporting regulations while saving time on your daily accounting tasks.

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