How does Comply secure my account access?

Protect all of your data with Comply

Our system guarantees your online account security.

Comply secures all access to your account with a two-factor authentication (2FA) process. This guarantees the person’s identity through two separate and distinct methods of identification, ensuring that the person logging in is actually authorized.

Two-factor authentication process (2FA)

Arm yourself against new threats with Comply’s 2FA. This double layer of security ensures that people trying to gain access to an online account are who they say they are.

The first step requires a username and password to be keyed in, after which users will be required to provide a second secure confirmation before gaining access. 

Event log for full traceability

A database logs all application events including:

  • Authors
  • Resources
  • Transactions
  • Adjustments

for any event inside the Comply platform.

The mobile application provides the same technology and protections to registered users of the mobile devices.

Reduce risk of breaches to near zero!