How does Comply help me to comply with B2G, B2B and B2C regulations?

The digital structure used to build Comply allows it to interoperate with heterogeneous regulatory systems.

Achieve full compliance with different national legal and tax requirements, without compromising the specificity of your business.

B2G compliance and control

B2G is characterized by long purchasing cycles and focuses on tax compliance and, more recently, increasingly on expenditure control.

This entails a strong focus on administrative, documentary and environmental elements, which Comply has been specifically designed to track and manage.

Efficiency is the key for B2B processes success

The B2B decision-making process is highly structured and very complex.

Each tender requires punctuality, precision, quality and price control.

The Comply platform constantly integrates with ERP and enterprise accounting systems as well as with eInvoicing platforms, and its multi-channel structure immediately and automatically implements any regulatory changes.

Analyse every single data point

B2C is fast-paced and characterized by high volumes and rapid changes.

Data analysis capabilities and process control are vital and can only be provided by a digital platform like Comply.